Dear Doctor: Patient encounters very uncommon symptom of a pulse medication

 Dear Doctor: The patient encounters very uncommon symptom of a pulse medication


DEAR DR. Cockroach: I have hypertension, and I trust that you can exhort me. For quite some time, I have endured awful leg cramps in one or two calves. I visited various specialists to realize what the reason was. Not one professional scrutinized the circulatory strain medication that I had been taking: amlodipine. My examination showed that in not very many cases (fortunate me), squeezing came about. My cardiologist will have a hard time believing that amlodipine causes this squeezing, and he is demanding that I return to utilizing amlodipine, which works effectively of controlling my circulatory strain readings.

I started to try. Progressively, I cut down this drug, and very quickly, the squeezing vanished. Each time I returned to the amlodipine, the squeezing returned. I additionally use benazepril, which causes me no issues. My PCP added carvedilol and is expanding the measurement, however that far isn't helping the pulse go down.

Have you known about this occurrence? The cardiologist says that he has no different choices assuming this new medication doesn't work. I'm frozen that I will suffer a heart attack. What medication would it be advisable for me to take, assuming the carvedilol doesn't help? - - H.S.


Reply: Muscle cramps are amazingly normal in individuals with or without circulatory strain issues, and I have not had an individual with cramps that disappeared on halting amlodipine. The way that they returned when you restarted it, nonetheless, is amazing proof that the amlodipine might be causing it in you. Under 2% of individuals had this secondary effect, as indicated by studies.

The cardiologist has numerous different choices. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker and is for the most part exceptionally powerful at bringing down circulatory strain. Other calcium blockers probably won't have a similar secondary effect, and the cardiologist may attempt one connected with amlodipine (like nifedipine) or irrelevant (like diltiazem). There are different classes of medications, for example, diuretics, which can likewise be utilized. Albeit these don't have as strong a pulse bringing down impact, they are in any case exceptionally compelling at lessening stroke.

I would likewise recommend some non-drug treatments that are viable at forestalling cramps. Extending the lower leg muscles two times every day; moderate exercise before bed; appropriate footwear; and free sheets all assistance.

DR. Cockroach WRITES: Many individuals kept in touch with me about a new section on overactive bladder. Among the ideas I got were three I thought worth focusing on. The first is that bladder retraining, through planning excursions to the restroom to pee and bit by bit expanding the time the pee is held, is powerful for some people. Additionally, pelvic floor practices are protected and compelling without drug aftereffects. At long last, one reason for incessant washroom trips around evening time that ought not to be ignored is obstructive rest apnea.

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