Humana Ranked No. 1 Among Health Insurers for Customer Experience

 Humana Ranked No. 1 Among Health Insurers for Customer Experience

Humana Ranked No. 1 Among Health Insurers for Customer Experience

Humana positioned No. 1 among Health Insurers for client experience (CX) quality in Forrester's exclusive 2022 US CX Index™ review. The positioning depended on reactions from more than 85,000 US overview respondents from 13 businesses, including aircraft; auto/home Insurers; vehicle producers (extravagance and mass-market); banks (direct and multichannel); Visa backers; central government offices; wellbeing guarantors; lodgings, trading companies; retailers; and utilities. Alongside this remarkable acknowledgment, Humana additionally positioned the most elevated on clear interchanges and giving straightforward costs, rates, and expenses among wellbeing safety net providers.

"We are regarded to get this acknowledgment as we endeavor to put our clients at the focal point of all that we do," said Vicki Perryman, SVP, Consumer and Provider Services, and Solutions. "Tending to our client needs through clear interchanges and giving straightforwardness in our items as a whole and administrations is of most extreme significance in building entrust and long haul associations with our clients."

Forrester's CX Index score estimates how an organization conveys client encounters that make and support devotion. Directed for the seventh year straight, Forrester's CX Index results are benchmarked on a review of 85,073 US clients across 220 BRANDS and 13 businesses. CX pioneers develop income quicker, drive higher brand inclination, and can charge something else for their items. Furthermore, CX Index assists brands with recognizing the critical drivers of a positive CX for their clients to focus on endeavors. Indeed, even a minor improvement to a brand's client experience quality can add a huge number of dollars of income by lessening client beat and expanding portion of wallet. Better CX leads than diminished help expenses and brings down the expense of client procurement through informal.

"The previous year has uncovered how marks who keep their clients at the focal point of everything they truly do can keep on gathering advancing client needs even in an emergency," said Michelle Yaiser, VP of CX Analytics at Forrester. "The brands that adjusted how they drew in with clients while proceeding to cause them to have a decent outlook on their associations, saw higher CX Index scores, expanded client dependability, and a bigger gathering of dedicated clients."

Forrester's CX Index provides organizations with a profound and significant comprehension of the nature of their clients' encounters, serious benchmark information so business and innovation pioneers know how they stack facing their companions, and the capacity to display the enhancements that will biggest affect income.

About Humana

Humana Inc. is focused on assisting our great many clinical and special individuals with accomplishing their best wellbeing. Our fruitful history in care conveyance and wellbeing plan organization is assisting us with making another sort of incorporated consideration with the ability to further develop wellbeing and prosperity and lower costs. Our endeavors are prompting superior personal satisfaction for individuals with Medicare, families, people, military help faculty, and networks at large.

To achieve that, we support doctors and other medical care experts as they work to convey the right consideration perfectly located for their patients, our individuals. Our scope of clinical capacities, assets, and instruments -, for example, in-home consideration, social wellbeing, drug store administrations, information examination, and health arrangements - join to deliver a worked-on encounter that makes medical services simpler to explore and more compelling.

More data in regards to Humana is accessible to financial backers using the Investor Relations page of the organization's site at, including duplicates of:

  • Yearly reports to investors
  • Protections and Exchange Commission filings
  • Latest financial backer gathering introductions
  • Quarterly income news deliveries and phone calls
  • Schedule of occasions
  • Corporate Governance data
The exclusive study results depend on buyers' assessments of the encounters with the brands in the overview. Forrester Research doesn't underwrite any organization remembered for any CX Index™ report and doesn't encourage any individual to choose the items or administrations of a specific organization given the appraisals remembered for such reports.

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